Minor cleft lip/palate


Today I had my follow up ultrasound to confirm diagnosis of a potential cleft lip on my son. Diagnosis CONFIRMED unilateral cleft lip/palate. They say his nose appears “normal”, so possibly very minor. Otherwise, baby boy is healthy and all organs and brain function normally.

I know this will be a cosmetic procedure, but as a mother, my mind went whirling into many directions. “Is it my fault?” “Will he breath and eat okay?” “Will he be able to live a normal life” “is he going to be bullied?” “Will there be another concern such as Down syndrome, or other, along with this?”

I know this is a common, yet never expected, defect and he will most likely be okay, but I guess I’m just hoping for some emotional support or stories to hear that I’m not the only one. Could really just use some pick me up words.