

I need some help here. I still live with my parents, and I think I may be pregnant. I miscalculated the end date of my birth control duration, and my s/o and I had sex a little after it ended. Before commenting please just know that I don’t need the “ If you think you’re big enough for sex, you’re big enough to have the baby” talk. It hurts. It’s degrading and comes across as condescending. I don’t need a whole adult on my ass about a stupid mistake I made. I’m stressed enough at the moment. I just need some advice. It’s been about a month. A few days ago I was very nauseous and had a headache. I’m now having stomachs aches after almost everything I eat, I’m getting easily constipated, and my period is late by 25 days at the moment. The only contradiction to the pregnancy theory is that I also have a pituitary tumor that’s growing at a rather alarming rate. I’ve missed my period for 2 months before, but none of the other symptoms occurred at that time. I’ve started a pregnancy diet just in case. I need some thoughts on what it is.