So overwhelmed.

I’m 37, been trying to get pregnant for a long time. My partner is 35 he is Korean and i’m English/Australian, so there’s been a lot of misunderstanding in communication about everything, it’s a challenge almost everyday, but this is a man that for the first time in my life I could see myself building an amazing future with.

Over the past year things have gotten crazy.

He’s really an anti cat person and I have three. He says that animals shouldn’t be like children, they are lower than a rat. He thinks I need to get rid of them for us to be able to move on successfully in our life. He tells me they are a waste of money and they don’t love me, they just use me for food.

We are saving to buy a house but need our business to be running for at least another 8 months to get a secure mortgage. We have the capital but the lender wants to see the business running for a longer period of time. So in the meantime I’m paying a large amount of rent, he wants us to move back into his families home and get rid of the cats so we can get rid of the rent expense.

Today really upset me. He said the most hurtful thing, “Im starting to question if you even want kids” he knows that’s what I want so badly. I don’t know what to do and I’m so lost.

My depression and anxiety is through the roof. I can’t cope. I’m so overwhelned. I don’t want to talk to my friends because I know they will take my side and tell him to leave. I don’t want my mum to know how badly he speaks to me and how badly he treats my cats. It’s really borderline animal abuse. Which I just protect them from him. It’s so horrible. They are scared of him, and run under the bed. I hate that. This was their home before he got here.

I’m trying to be strong, but I don’t know if I can anymore.