Recurring Sebaceous Cysts! How do i get rid of them!!!


Hey so I’m gonna cut right to the chase. Around the time of my cycle, like clockwork, I end up with sebaceous cysts near my vaginal region. They normally are harmless (aside from being terrible to look at &leaking) and go away on their own. This go around I got two. One of which is right on the skin where my thigh connects to my lower pelvis/vulva region. This has caused it to be extremely irritated for the duration of it stay while the other has been chilling.

I wax so I had the brilliant idea of using a pimple patch on them to draw out the pus quicker. This worked but...they each created drainage holes? I know I’m not supposed to mess with it but the one is even more irritated and after draining pus is just like an open wound. How do I 1) heal these by Saturday (my wax appointment) and 2) prevent these from happeningggg 😫