Would you give him a chance? (Follows adult pages)

Okay, I can’t believe i am even asking this because it’s a stupid question. But I have never had this issue and I am 26. I started talking to this guy who is a single parent like I am. We have a lot in common and I don’t see any red flags. However, I went to his Instagram and discovered that he follows at least 10-15 adult” accounts. They’re all in private so I can’t see if he’s liking the photos or not. I know he’s single and to me, it doesn’t really matter but i am wondering if this would be an issue between us if we became exclusive. I am wondering if anyone else has dated a guy who followed/subscribed to stuff like this and then stopped once he was in a relationship or if it’s something you just have to be fine with. I know it’s a stupid question but I’ve just never noticed any of my exes in the past do this. 😬