Confused and looking for your thoughts

12dpo currently. I had what I’m fairly certain was implantation bleeding on 8dpo. Around 10 dpo I started seeing barely visible faint lines on tests, it seems as though they’ve gotten slightly darker. I’ve tried taking first response the last 3 days and I’m still not getting an obvious line in the time window while I have been with others. I have always heard they are the most sensitive test it’s making me think the rest of them might have been false positive/evaps. Besides the tests, my breasts have been feeling swollen/full the last 3 days and having extreme fatigue. I know this is subjective so I’m looking for unbiased opinions to help me figure out what gives.

This is today’s first response (12dpo, second urine of the day)

Today first urine

Yesterday evening

My 10dpo first response after sitting(I know out of the window doesn’t count)

You couldn’t see the line in the window to read

Thank you to anyone who actually read all that. Please tell me your thoughts. I’m I crazy, am I pregnant 🤯