Hating my body


I tried to tell my husband how bad I felt with my body and found no empathy. I told him I hated my belly bc it looked like my mother’s, to which he responded “Yes, it does”. Then he highlighted some bad choices I made during Thanksgiving week (Chocolate pie) and made me feel horrible with myself.

I am BF but this time it is not working to lose weight as it did with my first. I am trying to move more, I go for a walk everyday with my baby and I am not sitting on the couch at home. The scale does not move an inch no mater what I do! I am 5’3” and 170 lb, wanting to reach 145 lb I used to weight.

I was told once you turn 40 losing weight becomes very difficult. Now I’m feeling it!

I just started to count calories so I don’t fool myself, and I’m not going over 2,000 per day (not counting BF calories). Let’s see how it goes from here.