Creepy or sweet?


I’m a semi-professional artist. I did graduate art school and I do sell commissions, but as of lately I’m a stay at home mom to a new incredible yet super colicky baby girl.

I’ve been “working the third shift” with her, as she has a long, painful stretch from 1am to 4am when her gas bothers her and the poor baby really just needs to be soothed. To keep myself sane, I usually do charcoal sketches while she’s in her baby bjorn.

As many of you know, having a new baby really takes a toll on a marriage due to the exhaustion, so I started packing one of my drawings and a sweet note in my husband’s lunchbox for work. I guess I feel like he deserves a reminder that I’m thinking of him and thankful for his financial providing and new dad skills because I’m usually asleep before he leaves for work. Sometimes I draw animals, sometimes goofy comics, etc.

I tried drawing him the other night and it came out really awesome. I’m realizing he’s so fun to draw. He’s a very unique type of handsome, in my opinion, and I’ve found him to be a perfect subject. So lately, I’ve given him quite a few drawings of himself with a note like “you are so handsome. Thank you for changing so many diapers for me last night. You rock.”

But ladies, is it actually creepy that I’m drawing HIM on some of his notes? He seems to like them, as I noticed he keeps them all in his desk, but one of my friends told me I’m totally creepy for that. Now I’m insecure all of a sudden, and unsure if I should give him the one I drew tonight (and it came out pretty good 😭)

What do you think?

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