Day time naps?!


Hey hope ur well ladies, and gentlemen, (if there are any in this group)

Just wondering, has anyone else’s toddler let go of their day time nap? My toddler sleeps at 9/10pm due to me being out of work atm our routine has gone out the window. However, he usually wakes up around 8/9 am in mornings. Then it would be nap time around 2 pm for 1.5 hours.

I have now found he does not sleep during that time rather he has a lot of energy and makes it impossible to put him down for a nap. Sometimes he sleeps at 6 pm and then bedtime has to be pushed further till 11 pm. (Shocking I know!)

However, yesterday I put my foot down. So he was awake from 9 am. Didn’t have day time nap kept him busy with park and activities then gave him bath etc read book (our bedtime routine), and at 8:30pm my little dude was asleep.

So does this mean my little toddlers let go of his day time nap? I’m a FTM so this is something new. When researching I found they tend to let go of day time nap until they’re two, this doesn’t seem to be the case for him as he’s only 19 month old...