Struggling w/ being young and TTC


So just ranting a bit. I am 23 and my boyfriend and I (of 3 years) have decided we no longer want to prevent pregnancy. We aren’t full on TTC but are no longer using any form of contraception. I came off of the pill at the end of August and am still waiting for my cycles to regulate. Have seen my OB to get cleared and have begun taking prenatals and have started eating a little bit better. I guess my rant is I feel like when I tell people that I am no longer preventing pregnancy I get judged a bit. Because of my age and it honestly is upsetting. Both my boyfriend and I have well paying jobs, we have our own home and having kids is something we both want with each other. I feel as though we are doing everything right to prepare ttc but I just can’t stand people’s reactions. I honestly am afraid to tell people because of how some have already reacted. And that’s what I want and that’s not something I should be ashamed of. Just wanting to get this off my chest and to see if anyone else can relate!