BBT timing & spikes


Hi guys,

I have a couple of questions about BBT.

1) Do you really have to be taking it at the same time every morning? I understand that it has to be while you’re in bed but if you wake up at different times each morning does that really make a difference to it?

2) Also, I have endometriosis and even when I’ve been taking it at the same time every morning it has been spiking up and down constantly rather than staying steady at around one temperature then going up when I ovulate. Is this normal for people with endometriosis? Does this mean that there’s no point in me tracking this? I’ve been trying to track it for a few months now - I thought that it might be caused because I had only just come off the pill when I started but it’s still like this after months of being off the pill.

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give me. :)