Finally figured out how to announce to my parents!


My parents are older and really technologically challenged. My SO and I live on the other side of the country and I’m 9 weeks along with our rainbow baby. We’re not going back anytime soon because of the pandemic so we probably won’t see them before I have the baby honestly.

We’re going to tell our parents after my next appointment in a couple weeks and while we can tell his parents over zoom at least, my parents haven’t been able to figure video calls out at all. Telling them over the phone seems so impersonal so I’ve been struggling with how to do it.

I’m so exited I finally figured it out! I found this digital picture frame that you just hook up to your WiFi and it has its own email address so you just send pictures to the email address and it automatically pops up on the frame. The reviews say it’s great for “the elderly” so my Dad should be able to get it set up.

I’m going to send it to them as an early Christmas present (I don’t want to announce on Christmas, I just don’t like Christmas announcements) and then tell them to let me know when they have it set up and that I’ll send a picture to test that it worked and I’ll send my ultrasound picture!