Baby sleep


Alright guys, I have a question. Baby sleep is so difficult🥴

My baby girl just turned 15 months a little over a week ago and her sleep schedule is now SHOT. Previously, she would wake up at 6/6:30, go down for her first nap at 10, wake up at 11. Go down for her second nap at 3, wake up at 4. Bedtime 7:30.

She is now fighting her second nap AND bedtime. Yesterday she completely skipped her second nap so she was up from 11:30am-7pm. We tried putting her down at 6, but she fought until 7.

To me, it sounds like she might be ready for 1 nap, however, when we have tried to time it so that she only takes one nap, she only makes it to like 11am and will only sleep for an hour or so. She then won’t go back down for a cat nap in the afternoon to make it to bedtime. Which of course leads to more night waking because she’s overly tired.

This tired mama just needs some advice. Thank you😊