Should’ve know 😒😒 TW drug abuse

When you think you’ll be skinny when you grow up because your parents both are. Then as you get older you get bigger & bigger (bc you eat what you want, thinking you’ll have a good metabolism) then you realize your parents aren’t actually blessed with good metabolisms & skinny. They’re on meth 🙃

This is true but also kinda a joke. Like they are skinny & on meth but I realized they used when I was in middle school, not an adult. Lol

Yes I’m making a joke of it. When you go through it, you get to do that

***Adding***my parents were both abusive. I don’t have a relationship with them now. I would run away to my grandma’s when I could. Im an adult now and I’ve never even considered touching the stuff. They’re still on drugs. Worse than ever. They don’t know their grandkids.