Mask Rant

*people like Rachel is why this shit spread in the first place. It is MY BUSINESS, when it’s my or my childs health being threatened. If you’re worried about your business being your own, maybe you should stay tf at home.

I’ve lost a ton of family members to this virus. It’s so selfish to not wear a mask. It’s SAD that there are people like you who defend the maskless. You must love seeing havoc in the world and death all around. That’s what I’ve been seeing for the last few weeks. You need to get your priorities in check.

If I were to walk into Walmart at 2pm tomorrow (or any time of day really), without any kind of shirt or bra, and my nips were just out there in the open, frozen, pointing at every body, not only will I be kicked out of the store, I would probably have the cops called on me.

Oh, but you guys, it’s my “FREEDOM.” I can go flashing my tata’s as I please!

That was sarcasm on my end. Obviously, I don’t really think it’s ok to go flashing my breasts to anyone. Like, not at all. But, I want to give an example of how irrational it is to not wear a mask.

My 2 year old, he has sensory issues. And you know what? He will wear his mask. He might sling it off just to laugh, and watch me pick it up. But he still wears it. He doesn’t scream “my freedom” and complains the entire time, because he notices his mommy is wearing a mask, and almost everyone else.

Some stores allow people to shop maskless. Yet, if they had no shirt on, would they have allowed it too? Or would they have stepped in and said, “no shirt, no shoes no service!” As I said earlier, they probably would call the cops and removed them from the store. But if you think about it, going in topless would NOT potentially cause someone else to go topless and die from it.

But with covid19, if someone refuses to wear a mask, and someone else catches it, they could possibly die, or end up really really sick.

I do not understand. I just do not understand. Unless the maskless is just selfish and heartless. In which, I do believe there should be a fine of some sort.

Drinking and driving or not wearing a seat belt ends with a fine or DUI. Needs to be some sort of consequence with the masks. And I agree there needs to be more kindness as well. Seems people are a lot more rude now a days.