What to do ?? What to think ??


Ok so I have taken the route of geritol which I noticed regulated my period for the last 3 months .. so I had sex within the 5 days of my fertile window now this month I’m late my period has been coming on and going off like clock work since September . September October and November fourth I seen my period but in December month I made sure I followed the simple things lying down instead of getting up not peeing right away now I been ran out of geritol at the end of oct month did not get anymore but continued to take prenatal vitamins now dec4th no period but I took a test yesterday which is me being two days late .. it was negative !😔😔 is it to early what can possibly be the reason for a negative other than I’m just late idk .. any advice or anything ?? Before I started the geritol I do have irregular periods hold it have worn off and I need to get back on it and it messed me up because I stopped I just don’t know I need pray and hope for a miracle