
I have this friend and we both have babies her child is a little older than mine and they’re walking around and everything and my child isn’t there yet she’s only eight months old so she’s just starting to crawl. The last few days she’s been trying to hang out with me and she always just wants me to come over but she’ll never come over my house. Like the other day when she message me to hang out she was like oh I’m just putting my baby down for a nap once they go to sleep then I’ll head to you and come get you and then a few hours go by so I message her and I’m like hey what’s going on are we still hanging out and she said oh well because my babies asleep I don’t think it would be fun if you guys came over because your child wouldn’t have anyone to play with because mine is going to be asleep. I didn’t say this to her but why would she say once my child go to sleep I’ll come grab you and then tell me that I shouldn’t come over because her child is asleep? Does that make sense? So today I offered for her to come over because I wasn’t feeling well and I know her child is a little older and likes to walk around but my whole house is Christmas decorated I have a mini ball pit there was plenty for her child to do at my house and she took a few hours to respond to me and say hey sorry I’m running and doing errands and I’ve just been busy all day but it’s just funny that she said that because I asked her to come to my house. Should I be mad? Am I just overreacting? I know she’s not entitled to hang out with me but if you’re gonna make plans with somebody at least follow through on those plans. Because she keeps asking me to hang out planning a day to hang out and then once the day comes she says that she has other shit to do and she kept asking me if I want to go out and go shopping but I don’t wanna spend any money because I don’t really have any money to spend which I explain to her and she keeps asking me if I want to go out and go shopping even though I’ve already said no like three times I just want to chill at my house or her house and not spend any money. How do you spell fucking though you fucking piece of shit