BV infection 15 weeks


I went to the doctor last Friday for cramps and they did an urine culture and took a sample of my discharge to test. They called me Wednesday night to tell me my urine was fine but I have a BV infection and they called in metronidazole. I go to the pharmacy to get it and the pharmacist knew I was pregnant and said I can't take that and didn't want to give it to me??? I said my pregancy doc called it in???

So now I've spent my entire night reading about it

I hate taking medicine to begin with but I want to make sure I'm all good. I have literally 0 signs of a Bv infection so I was shocked. I just want to make sure the baby is okay 😭😭😭

I read taking the medicine can cause a possible 2ns trimester misscarriage but so can a bv if left untreated.

I of couese will do what the doctor says. I'm going to call first to tell them what my pharmacist said as well.....