Will it happen again??


Sorry this is lengthy, but I'm 9w pregnant with baby#2. When I breastfed my daughter years ago (she's 8) once she turned 3 months my left breast slowly stopped producing after we flew to move from CA to VA. I tried to pump with a

sh!tty hand pump and hand express. I never knew of mother's tea back then or had a great breast pump (which I will be getting BOTH this time around). I managed to breastfeed her until she was 18 months on solely my right. Once she turned 6.5 months I started her on cereal and fruit/veggie purees, and she usually would finish with my breast milk. My mom stated that her right breast did the same thing to her! Does anyone think this is hereditary?? Will this happen again or will mother's tea, previous experience, and a better pump hopefully give me a better outcome?? Just looking for advice or if anyone has had this happen to them!??