

I am very upset. Every single year my husbands ex wife will leave one of her and my hubby's 4 kids at my house the day of our wedding anniversary or the day before, she leaves one or all of them here for birthdays or special events that is only for my husband and I. Cancelling all of our plans. To watch the kids because she cant "handle" that child anymore. It has been 5 years since we got married and my husband i have celebrated our wedding not one damn time because she always leaves someone here. We have only gone out for my birthday 1 time since 2012. 9 years of me being with my husband and she will find a way to destroy our dates our time alone wedding anniversary's dates. We never get to go anywhere with my husbands family because his kids are out of control and no one wants us to go places with them. This year i wanted to go to a hotel just him and i and our new baby and send our 7 year old to grandmas house so we can just be alone. And that wont happen. We have had to leave dates to go pick up the kids because she just cant deal with them anymore or her and her boy toy gets into fights and she tells us to come and get them. We had a date planned one year before i had my son i was pregnant in 2013 we were turning into our street and she called us to come and get the kids she had not seen them for months but she just could not deal with her boyfriend so she canceled our plans and sent the kids away and not the boyfriend. This has been going on for years and i am so sad and upset that this keeps going on. She spent years not seeing the kids and leaving them with us for months and in 2018 after her kids accused her boyfriend of raping and molesting them all through out their childhood she all the sudden wants to be apart of their lives. But any time her 11 year old daughter or 14 year old son cause any problems she leaves them with us the next weekend or tells us to come and get them because she just cant deal with them. I am so sad and so angry im really angry at this woman. Im not just upset about this she has a history of telling the kids that i raised that im not there mom im just a babysitter and even tells my husband im NOTHING but a babysitter and i need to stay in my lane. Its like this women left me to raise the kids till they were teens so she could have the good years and take over because the hard part was done for her and i am left with a broken heart and feeling used and worthless. I feel like i was used to do the most hardest job ever to be physically and mentally abused by her kids. And she just swoops in and acts like she was there and involved. She since 2012 went to 2 first days of school she showed up to only 2 i was there and did the drop offs and taking the new kindergartner to her first day of school i did all that not her. And she comes in and acts like just because she shoved those kids out that she is their mom. And it hurts. It hurts because while i was there she was not and i am the one to be treated like crap. I defend her when her daughter hits or kicks her but she goes off and tells them to hit me. I am just so devastated and defeated and feel so worthless.