16 weeks pregnant with Placenta previa !!



I am Satya and I am second time mom. I had my 16th week doctor checkup last Monday and baby heartbeat was very good and weight gain is good too. All of a sudden I had little pelvic pain on Thursday evening and had little bleeding at 11.30 in the night. Later around I bled a clot and worried. I called my doctor and she asked me to come to emergency. Found out that my placenta is covering cervix- “placenta previa” in ultrasound. Baby is very active and heartbeat is good. I must be resting completely. No physical work.

My first pregnancy is a happy ride. Very little morning sickness and no issues during delivery. I had vaginal delivery first time. My second pregnancy is pure opposite. I have morning sickness, nauseous throughout day, food eversion, dizziness. I am still nauseous at 16th week sometimes.

Good or bad, Read many articles lying in emergency room and finally made my mind. We will stay strong for our baby, we are prepared for preterm birth but I pray baby wait until 37 weeks, I am okay even it is c- section I just want my healthy baby in our hands.

Please correct me if I am expecting more. Please pray for my baby. Please educate me with ur inputs.