All Day Morning sickness and stopping prenatals...

Aviva H.W

I've literally spent what feels like the past 11-12 weeks feeling nauseous from almost every smell, had indecisiveness with food or Up and down with wanting to eat, I've gone totally fragrance free and even those products are now starting to smell, lol I feel like all my senses are super heightened, and tiredness is at a max.

Majority of my days are filled with rest/bed rest Netflix due to a couple early scares but all is perfectly good now..

I've had to stop my prenatals as they were Making my nausea worse.,.

Has anyone experienced this??

I was taking 3x my kind gummies which were great at the start.. but the smell eventually got to me.

Then switched to 3x daily RAW vitamin code .. totally not vibing with those even though reviews were so positive for nausea.

Currently Waiting for my 1x daily my kind prenatals to arrive to see if they work better.. arrggh ❤️🌈👶🏽