my bf was raped by a female as a child,help.


my bf of over a year has complex ptsd and has been having flashbacks of being raped by a female family member, screams and cries in his sleep is a new thing...we used 2 have a great sexlife b4 he started getting flashbacks after i opened up about being raped as a child....he 1 out of 100 times used 2 initiate sex but with his new symptoms im terrified of initiating sex cause what if he goes ptsd and thinks im forcing him or something...its been a month and i need sex but how do i go about it?? any ideas are welcome please.... monogamous girlfriend neglected here.

yes im supportive,have tried 2 get him 2 get help, he hates when i masturbate, yes he is going 2 see a councellor next week....there is no intimacy anymore,no conversations of meaning like b4,no playfullness and sex has always been #1 on his list of importance.