Leap 3 .. plus growth spurt



Is anyone using this time of crummier sleep to stop swaddling? Our girl is sleeping like she’s 6wks old again so I was considering just getting rid of her arms up swaddle sack and using a grobag instead now. Since she’s already sleeping crummy, might as well do the transition anyway?. What are you guys doing?

We transitioned her older sister to the magic Merlin sleep suit around this age and then a sleep sack around 4 months I think.

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Posted at
Yes. We started the merlin suit this week for the same reason and he's actually been sleeping a bit better


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I keep her swaddled so her chest feels the wrap but her arms are out now, I started with one arm out for a couple days and then put both arms out the past couple nights and she’s been fine. I have a sleep sack I will use in a week or so


Ki • Dec 17, 2020
It took a few nights but I usually rock her and hold her until she is really out and then lay her down. I put her arms up and put my hand on her side until she settles because she still has some reflex and then she’s usually good. Last night it took a few times but once she was good she slept for 6 hours, usually it’s more


Brit • Dec 17, 2020
I have been doing the one arm out for a few days now but nervous about releasing her second arm because her startle reflex is still so strong on the arm I’m keeping swaddled. 😔


Posted at
We took the arms off my sons swaddle 2 weeks ago and just last week took him out of the dockatot and put him in the Dreamland Baby weighted sleep sack. Been almost a full week in the sleep sack and he seems to have transitioned without any problems.


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That's when I stopped swaddling. Shes also been getting her 2 bottom teeth and was fighting so hard to get her hands out to chew on. So shes alot happier unswaddled anyways.


Sa • Dec 16, 2020
Ya ours likes her hands too! I think we’ll stop today!


Posted at
We stopped using a transition swaddle and put my LO in a zipadee zip. We’re on night 3 of the transition and it hasn’t been too terrible - a few more wake ups here and there but he’ll go back down within 5 minutes or after a little rocking.