Is it ok to feel this way?

I just recently took pregnancy tests and 2 came out positive and 2 came out negative. So I went to my doctor got a pregnancy test from her and it came out negative. When I first saw the positive pregnancy test I got so happy I cried with my boyfriend because I was so happy I never had thought of having a baby but the thought of it when I saw the plus sign on the test got me so happy and couple days later when my doctor told me I wasn’t pregnant I feel so sad like I lost something that didn’t even exist. I don’t feel like myself afterwards and boyfriend doesn’t really want to try right now and I want to respect that because if he’s not ready then I want to wait til it’s the right time. I just can’t keep thinking about how happy I was when I thought I was pregnant. I have just been emotional and depressed. My period isn’t til 2 weeks so idk it might just be that I guess I just had to let it out I have no one to really talk to about this.