7w5d Ultrasound - 71bpm


I had my first ultrasound today - GA shows 6w1d on the ultrasound picture- I am very worried though as the heartbeat is only at 71bpm 😔 labeled at threatened miscarriage. I am still having full symptoms of pregnancy (constant nausea, tender breasts, fatigue) doctor didn’t really tell me much at all except it is still early and the dates could be off (which I know wouldn’t matter with this low of a heart rate..)

I had blood work done today and I go back Monday to see if the levels are rising or decreasing..results of the blood work can take up to 3 days after to receive so I really won’t know anything for a week🥺

I am curious if others have experienced something similar and if so how was the outcome? I know this can go either way at this point but I am still hopeful yet terrified.