Need help with my !₩@#$% Migraines


I've had these horrible migraines from my teens and they've only gotten worse and more frequent. Surprisingly i didn't get a single one throughout my pregnancy. But now they're back. They're usually on my left side. Practically the whole upper body on the left starts hurting esp the head neck and shoulders. The left temple throbs hard. My eyes get sore and sensitive. Any movement makes it worse. So does light. Sometimes get nauseous. Caffeine also seems to make it worse. I gave it up when i got pregnant and now i only occasionally (socially) have tea. Never coffee. It was obviously more manageable before baby. I could just rest it out. But now with a baby, that's out of the question! Im currently bf'ing so don't want to pop painkillers. Anyone else experiencing something similar and did anything help?