6 weeks 2 days/ Need advice


Hi ladies,

I am concerned. My LMP was 11/05. Starting 11/16 I started feeling “pregnancy Symptoms.” I never paid much attention and thought it was the start of a new cycle soon. 12/04 I started, what I thought was my period. I bled from 12/4-12/8 and spotting 12/9-12/16. To me that was concerning because I only bleed for 5 days. 12/15 I had an appointment and with my surprise I found out I’m pregnant. Mixed emotions because I didn’t know I was but happy.! ( I’ve been smoking weed everyday and don’t eat all the time). If I would have known I wouldn’t smoke and eat all the time.

Since I was bleeding they set up an ultrasound. Which I’ll post at the end. And the said ectopic pregnancy is not. ( thank god) but it might be too early or a miscarriage. I am 6 weeks 2 days but the scans show 4 weeks and 6 days.

Friday come around 12/18 for my second ultrasound appointment and the scan was not showing anything. I’m still having pregnancy symptoms.

My Hcg level on the 15th was 111. Waiting on my results for Friday.

I also took another home test strip pregnancy test 12/18 and it was very faint. Going to buy more tomorrow. I’m hoping I’m still pregnant and everything goes as planned and well. Baby dust to all with positive vibes. Trying to stay positive is a little hard, knowing that I might be or may not be a mommy and only barely finding out 4 days ago is VERY emotional.

Symptoms: fatigue, extreme hunger, sore breast, light cramping, acne, and insomnia

Any advice in what to do or expect ?!

12/15 scans

And 12/18

I don’t have the exact picture but it looks similar to this