Prayers needed


My son has been in the hospital since Thursday night. We took him in for unexplained bruising and found out his platelet and fibrinogen levels are extremely low and his liver enzymes are very high. After getting a ct scan we found out that he has a small bleed on his brain, a hematoma on his right hip/back (where the bruising appeared), bleeding in the right hip joint and what may have a bone lesion on the hip as well which an MRI is being done to further asses that. Thankfully the neurosurgeon team seems confident at this time that he will not need surgery for the brain bleed and that it should reabsorb itself. My baby boy has been in good spirits and acting like himself which makes me happy but we still don’t have answers as to what is causing all of this. He will be 3 months on the 23rd and it just kills me that he’s already gone through so much in the short time he’s been here. To make matter more stressful covid rules prevent both my husband and I being there together so we are having to switch days to be with him. My sweet little baby boy needs all the prayers he can get right now so if you’ve read this please say a quick one for him 🙏🏻