Beyond ready to cry!

So I don't know who else to talk to other than on here about this since no one else truly understands, with that being said. My future mother in law told me I was being self centered when I fell silent and left the room when my fiance's 16 year old niece told everyone she was 10 weeks pregnant. And while I am happy and wish her a healthy pregnancy and baby. It's just extremely hard at this point with pregnancy/birth announcement since we have been ttc now for what will be 4 years in January and had a mc in june. I just want to sit and cry so i have to leave the area to compose myself before i come back. I don't know how to explain all that we have been through medically or emotionally to his parents while they don't believe in all the treatments that we have gone through and have not been told because of that. Am I being self centered because this?