

I’m excited but so nervous!!!

We been on this TTC journey about a year now and earlier this year I had a very faint + but it lead to a MC.

Then I started bleeding 2xs a month. I would bleed during ovulation, GYN #1 refused to do bloodwork and dismissed my concerned or when I told her we were TTC #1.

Eventually I went to another dr! OBGYN started running bloodwork and noticed my progesterone was always low and prescribed me Clomid 50mg CD 3-7.

Between Clomid, OvuSense, OPK’s, pre-natals and hubby on male pre-natals (Beli) looks like we got our BFP!! 🥰🥰🥰

I noticed a faint line at 10DPO (12/17) but wasn’t sure. I retested again and sure enough!!! 😃😃

Happy early Christmas to us! I hope it sticks!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼