Prepping for teething

Chardonnay • 🌻25🌻 mommy of 3

What do you mamas reccomend for teething med/gels if any at all? I'm trying to prepare for when my 6mo starts to get teeth and the discomfort that comes with it. Let me know what you all did :) thank you

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Zarbees gel ! Cold teething rings, gerber soothe and chew sticksAnd tylenol.My daughter just cut her first tooth


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We alternated Tylenol and Motrin until she was through the worst of it, making sure to give the Motrin right before bed. I have a few teething toys she likes. I keep some at room temp, some in the fridge, and one frozen. Her preferences change depending on how much gum inflammation is going on. And we do a lot of gum massage with a clean finger to help break down the gum tissue.I don’t trust any of the teething gels or tablets. I saw too many recalls on natural baby teething products because they caused infant seizures or trouble breathing while working at the pharmacy to ever feel comfortable using or recommending them. The only one that seems pretty harmless is Zarbee’s because it really doesn’t have much in it, but it seemed like a waste of money to me because it doesn’t have much in it. 🤷‍♀️


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Honestly nothing. I just gave her cold teething rings.


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The Wellements tooth oil is great! That and lots of Tylenol and cold chewies 😭😅We just cut two teeth two weeks ago. Working on the top ones now.