2nd pregnancy feel like I am failing

Hey is anyone else feeling like a failure this holiday season ๐Ÿ˜• I have been so exhausted and nauseated from pergentcy I haven't felt like doing munch and when I try to force myself i end up vomiting

Between not having all our decorations out to haveing the tree up and lights on it but no ornaments because Between work and not feeling well it's just not been possible ๐Ÿ˜ž we do elf on the shelf and I haven't gotten pictures othere then here and there just because a I forgot or b I had to move it in a hurry because I fell asleep before my son my husband has helped and has did more then he normally does due to me wanting to decorate myself because I draw out the way I want them set up and even make a calender for the elf this year I just never got the chance nor did I feel like it normally I start decorations on November 1st and I worked all the weekend just want my boy to have a good Christmas since it is his last as a only child