I don't want to break up his family.... Update

My husband's family has never liked me... My husband went to college and med school and became a surgeon. He is extremely successful. He met me at McDonald's. I was a cashier. It's so fucking embarrassing to admit that. I had graduated with my GED and was attending community college. He hit on me every time he came there. I thought he was cute, so I gave him my number. We went on dates and I had no idea he was a surgeon for a long time. I got an associates in Early childhood development and started working at a daycare. He offered to pay my way through college but I told him no. I wanted to so it on my own. His family instantly didn't like me. They said I was using him for money. They said I was probably a slut. They called me trailer trash to my face. My husband always defended me. He was really close to his family, but he wouldn't put up with it. When he proposed to me I said yes and his family got even more cruel to me about how I was using him. How any kids I carry are gonna be trash. I got pregnant actually and then had a miscarriage and they said it was my fault and that its a good thing the baby died so I couldn't trap him. I gave my husband his ring back and said I couldn't do it anymore. He said if I walk away not only will he lose the love of his life but he will never talk to his family again. He called them and said he was done and to never talk to him again. Before we got married I told him I wanted to sign a prenup so no one can ever tell me I only wanted him for money. He said no because he didn't even want to think about divorcing me but I insisted. So I signed a prenup. I could tell he missed his family, but he refused to talk to them. Two years into our marriage they apologized and I told him to forgive them. I thought things would be better.... But instead they started treating me poorly when he wasn't around. If we were alone his mom would ask about my miscarriage and what I did wrong and his dad would say I'm trailer trash. I didn't want to break up his family again so I never told him.

Over the weekend we went to his mom's Christmas party. I was helping with bringing food out and she asked me if I was pregnant in private. I said no and she said "Can you even have kids?" I Told her I hope so and she told me " You probably can't. He will obviously never leave you or stop loving you so do us all a favor and kill yourself!" She then smiled like nothing happened and took the food out. I went to the bathroom and started crying. I told my husband I was feeling sick and he said we could go home but I wanted him to spend time with his family so I told him my mom would pick me up. I cried over at my moms house and she told me to tell him what they said to me. I told her I can't because he will leave his family again and I will have broken up his family. I've spent years trying to prove myself to his family, but no matter what I'm nothing.... I will always be nothing... I'm not good enough and will never be...

Update: I finally decided to be open with my husband about everything.... I told him what they had been saying to me and what was said at the Christmas party. He told me to get in the car and we drove to his parents house. He was furious and asked his mom right away if she said that to me. She said "Oh I was just joking." My husband pretty much yelled "You jokingly told my wife to kill herself!" Him and his mom startes arguing and I told him it was okay and he told me to stop being so forgiving. His mom said I'm just trying to start drama and turn him against the family. The reason I put up with it for so long was so he wouldn't turn against his family! He told his mom to shut up and that she had no right saying any of that to me. His dad and sister got involved and everyone was yelling. His sister said him marrying trash was why he is acting this way. I ran off to the car because I didn't want to hear it anymore. My husband followed. He yelled "Don't expect us for Christmas!" I stayed silent on the ride back and he stopped by IHOP to get me some food. He said he was really sorry about his family and I don't have to worry about seeing them again. I'm happy but at the same time still feel bad he's cutting off his family again. If it wasn't for me he may have married a girl that fit their standards and he could enjoy time with his family for Christmas.... I love that he cares enough to stick up for me. I just hate that being with me has cost him so much....