Period after pill - May 2020 baby - posted elsewhere and no reply - pls help

Hi all i delivered baby in May 2020. Started my period 2 months post Csection. Now this month we had unprotected sex and on the second day later had pill (could not goto the pharmacy for 2 days )

My period was not due for another two weeks or more. But I had my periods 10 days early. Had it for like 3 days and stopped. 4 to 5 days later again I started bleeding , exactly like a period with occasional small clots. It lasted for 2 days and then stopped for a day. Again today I'm bleeding fresh blood.

Is it Bec of the pill? This hasn't happened to me I usually have a 30-35 day cycle with 5 days of bleeding

I posted it in the period community , the pill community, received no replies. Help pls