My best friend is irritating the hell out of me

So i have a 1 year old daughter and my best friend comes over pretty much everyday. Recently she’s been getting angry at my baby. Like we’ll be sitting in my room and my daughter will be on the floor and she’ll throw something or yell or drop a toy or do something that babies do and my best friend gets visibly irritated. Like she just gets so mad about it as if she’s not a literal baby. And I’ve said several times like “she doesn’t mean it” and she’s like yea but still.

And then I bought a Christmas present for a good friend of ours and her son. I let my best friend help me pick it out because I couldn’t decide. But I paid for everything. My best friend is now taking it into her own hands to tell our other friend that it’s from US. and she keeps trying to set up a time to give it to her and stuff and is getting frustrated that I told her already that I’d give it to her this weekend. She’s also mad that I didn’t put her name on the gift tag. Even tho she literally just helped me decided between 2 presents. And I told her I didn’t feel comfortable with her putting her name on it since she didn’t pay for anything. Yet she’s still upset about it.

I’m so frustrated. I don’t want to be rude but I don’t understand why she’s doing this.