Bump on nipple


So after nearly 5 months of breastfeeding a ton, pumping at work, and doing every little bit that I can to feed my baby myself I made the decision today to stop breastfeeding. She started biting really badly recently, she fights me and wants the speed of a bottle. I was originally aiming for at least the 6 month mark 😭 but the last 2 days have been an absolute Hell-scape.

The other day I noticed a little tenderness on my right breast Just below my actual nipple. So I thought "okay, it's been pretty dry maybe just a raw spot from my pump", and I slathered some extra lanolin on it. Fast forward 12 hours and it looks like I have a second nipple on my right breast! It hurts like Crazy, so I thought yeah maybe a clogged duct so I did a little massage trying to help and it only got worse. Upon further inspection it appears to be essentially a pimple directly under my nipple, so I finally had enough and decided that as of today I am Done, I never built up good supply anyway and was at about 30/70 ratio on breastmilk to formula anyway.

Today I spent my day at work with cabbage leaves in my bra trying to help dry it up and relieve the swelling.

My question to you ladies is what did you do to dry up your supply quickly? I just had a cup of peppermint tea and took a hot shower to massage away some of the soreness, really wanting this to be over fairly quickly because even though I only produced maximum 3oz on my right side, it is swollen as though I regularly produced 10!!!