Greedy fiance PLEASE HELP 😭

Started dating senior year of College. Money was tight, but managable. He wasn't happy with our finances, was overly ambitious with his financial goals and I completely supported him through everything. His biggest goal then was to be able to afford rent/bills and live with me right out of college. Once we had that, I was happy and he was not. He next wanted to buy (own) a house, since we've both managed to buy a house (we both bought seperate houses), again I'm happy and he is not. Now he wants to buy a business store (he has opened his business from home and wants to expand), and is again completely determined, I don't know what to do anymore.

He's kept promising me things, he's kept telling me once we have that I'll be happy and we'll start enjoying and relaxing more. But he works more and more everyday. Around 16 hours on average. I don't see this ever ending. He is never satisfied with our financial accomplishments. He always wants more. Once he has that, he wants more.

He is unable to relax and it is ruining me. I feel like I am supporting a lost cause. I do honestly believe that he will build his dream company and be really successful one day, but I honestly don't want to be there. He will never be happy where he is.

I feel selfish. I feel like I'm asking for too much. I just want him to be happy for once, because he has a lot to be happy for. But he doesn't see it this way.

He works 16+ hours a day (8 hour job, 8 hour business from home). I get 20 minutes a day with him.

He also believes that if you don't work 24/7 during your 20's you'll never make it. He'll begin living once he is in his 40s and 50s. I don't want to completely waste my 20s. I want to live now too. I want to look back and have nice memories with my fiance. I'm not saying 20s are for drinking and partying, just that it would be nice to have normal 20s experiences sometimes. I agree that 20s should be spend working, just not 24/7.

He is too tired to have sex, too tired to spend time with me, too tired to do anything for my birthday/anniversary. Sex is basically me giving him blowjobs because he is tired to do anything for me. Last time I reached an orgasm was last year.

I feel neglected and also feel like I'm ruining my life. I don't want to break up but sometimes the thought goes through my mind.

I don't know what to do.