Clomid with IUI vs. Clomid with TI

Katie • We have been married for a little over a year and have been ttc since November 2014. All is well on the hubby`s front, I on the other hand have PCOS I believe.
So I just finished my first round with clomid and the Ovidrel shot with TI and got a BFN. I started with 50 MG of Clomid CD 3-7 without any follicles, so they put me on 100 mg CD 11-15 and I know I had at least one large follicle. So since this wasn't successful should I go another round with the 100 mg at the beginning of the cycle and the trigger shot and timed intercourse OR do the clomid 100 mg, trigger and <a href="">IUI</a>? Is it really a huge difference with success rates?