Phobia/ PPA

I have really bad cancer phobia regarding my 16 month old...I’m a FTM and my anxiety about losing her hasn’t subsided honestly since she was born.

The trigger tonight was when I was on Instagram and I went to reels and saw a 2 year olds Christmas pic from last year then it flash forwarded to this year and she’s 11 months into chemo...

I start thinking about it and it gets me so upset I always end up in tears and sobbing hard.

It’s almost gotten to the point where I don’t want to use my phone anymore because my FBI agent sends me ads about kids with cancer, it shows up in my reels, etc

Any coping methods? :///

I know cancer is not really preventable but it makes me over analyze and worry about every little thing I put into her body.

Some calming and grounding words would be helpful ❤️