Been trying


We've been trying for over a year, my husband is 6 years younger & I just turned 35. I've done all my check ups to make sure I'm good. I got the green light, I finally get to a doctor who's going to give me clomid. I sweat them like they owe me money! I end up calling my insurance & find out these mf's blocked my script from going through because they don't fukn cover it! If I want it, for one script of 5 damn pills cost 600😳🥺🤬 I almost lost my damn mind, but when I told my husband.. That man broke down like I had never seen 🥺🥺 all I could do was hold his hand. It broke my heart on a level I couldn't even imagine. How could they do this to us with no fukn warning. I'm so fukn angry I could chew bricks! All I really honestly want is to be a mommy like mine was to me before she past. I'm fukn exhausted & I'm refusing to pee on any more damn opk's. It just breaks me every damn time a PT says ⛔ & I gotta tell this man there's no baby this month again. He rubs my stomach saying soon.. Very soon🥺I just don't know anymore ladies. I can't imagine what it's like for this of you whom have been trying for years. But when is enough, enough!! Why TF not me!?