C-section or vaginal for Twins delivery

Marina • We are pregnant with TWINS due date Dec 20, 2015 🙏🏼😍😍 just found out on 7/8/15 that we are having a Boy and a Girl
My doctor told me since the beginning of my pregnancy that she only does c section for all her twins. I tried switching doctors but after I tried it was too late. I don't want to have a c-section so I told her about it and she says we can do vaginal but she doesn't feel is the best thing to do. My doctor said c section is the safest for both babies and myself. So she doesn't give me the confidence to do vaginal. Both babies are head down since about 4 months I think and my pregnancy has been perfect! I can't believe how good it's been I've heard so many stories and I feel so good. I'm 36 weeks and 3 days. My doctor says I will be scheduled for delivery at 38 weeks. What do you suggest what was your experience?