Pregnant with COVID-19


Hello, I’m 25 weeks pregnant and I just tested positive for COVID. I was wondering if there were any other moms going through this as well. I also want to note that yes I took precautions and wore a mask and proper PPE but I’m a frontline worker in a nursing home facility and it happens. All of our staff has basically had it/has it and we’ve been pulling people from our sister facilities to help. I blame myself for being in this position and not standing up for myself when I was uncomfortable working with positive patients. I’m just needing a little extra support right now cause I’m extremely worried and haven’t been able to talk to my doctor to tell her what’s going on since it’s the weekend.

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Posted at
Hello! Fellow nurse here. I had it at 22 weeks, and also felt very guilty about not removing myself from the situation and putting my baby at risk. I am fine now though at 25 weeks with no lasting effects. Baby is moving like crazy. I still have not had an anatomy scan on her because I was positive and they pushed me back. I go Monday. I am seeing a maternal fetal medicine doctor for this pregnancy due to other reasons, but she told me that mom and baby have both been having good outcomes so far. The only thing that they have noticed is that babies that are born to moms with COVID are being born small, so I will get monthly ultrasounds to monitor her growth. Hopefully this helps ease your mind a bit! Just rest as much as you can!


Kaitlyn • Dec 27, 2020
I believe that’s what she said she was gonna put me on. I couldn’t remember the name between pregnancy brain and this lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


Kylie • Dec 27, 2020
I did lovenox injections for two weeks to help prevent any clots. You are more prone to clots when you are pregnant as it is, and COVID patients are also prone to them so the lovenox is going to help prevent that!


Kaitlyn • Dec 27, 2020
Thank you. I’ve just been so worried about how it’s going to affect her. My doctor had mention that if I did get it I would go on the 6 week treatment of shots. Did yours suggest that for you? I go to a OB physician office who also specialize in high risk pregnancies.


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I dont have experience with this, but I just want to salute you frontline workers who have been toiling on for months, without respite, putting yourself on danger so that others can survive. Thank you!


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I had it my first trimester. I’m now 24 weeks and baby is perfectly healthy! My only symptoms were no smell or taste. They still haven’t come back completely.


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Sorry to hear you have covid. It’s a scary thing and even more so while pregnant. From what I’ve read and heard on here most moms get over it and baby is just fine. Take this time you are quarantining to get some rest. Take vitamin D and stay hydrated. I also know sometimes baby aspirin is recommended to treat covid. Only two a day. Would your employer listen to a doctor’s note staying you should avoid positive residents at the nursing home?


L • Dec 27, 2020
Under FFCRA you are given 2 weeks to quarantine so you don’t have to work during the quarantine period. I’m sorry you are going through this and wish you a quick recovery.


Kaitlyn • Dec 27, 2020
Yeah they have me working today (I’m just doing office work) and tried working me tomorrow but I told them I wasn’t going to work tomorrow on the floor until I talked to my doctor. Where we are so short staffed we are allowed to work if we are positive they just will put us with the already positive patients. Doesn’t make any sense whatsoever since some of the people in our red zone will be moving out of droplet to contact precautions it just doesn’t make sense to have someone who hasn’t fully quarantined to work with them. Im just gonna talk to my doctor about everything so hopefully she’ll listen this time to my concerns.


Ka • Dec 27, 2020
Wait your job wants you to come into work? Have you quarantined the recommended time? You being so careful and still catching to scares me. I’m by no means as at risk as you are. I’m a school teacher and have been exposed now twice to it and we don’t wear as much PPE as you we also don’t have to come in to contact but we still sit next to touch student belongs etc. Hope you feel better soon and get the rest you need. You shouldn’t have to go back to work unless you’ve quarantined and feel better.


Posted at
I’m just getting over COVID and I’m 23 weeks. I would recommend listening to your body- rest as much as possible. I didn’t have any problems and baby has been moving & doing just fine throughout the whole ordeal.