Would you guys leave?!

So I wanted to be clearer this time because my story wasn’t making sense . Anyways, I went to a drive in movies with my baby dad everything was okay and after he drove me home . I asked him a question “ what you think about this whole entire situation ?” He said “ I don’t regret sleeping with you but the baby I do regret. Sleeping with you was my biggest regret it shouldn’t have happened. I don’t want the baby say why you and mommy aren’t together . I fell into a temptation that I shouldn’t have done and I regretted that the most. If I can go back in time I would .I still do believe we should give it to a loving family.Please don’t hold that against me “. The car ride back was hard I was silently crying. He asked if I was “ok” and I said yes. I guess what hurts the most is when he a few days back said “ I’m excited for this I want to touch the baby bump”. Things changed. He said he will talk to me on the 3rd of January to also talk to my parents but I really don’t want that to happened especially after he said how he is feeling. I’m really tempting to block him. Would you guys stop speaking to him ?? Also I told him “ why invite me to things when you feel that way?” His response was “ I want to see you time to time”.