Christmas Drama

Christmas was great...went to my Dads house. Dad and fiancé spend some alone time together, I figured it was bonding and I was happy.

We left that night. Our truck was wobbling, kind of like the tire was loose or flat so I had fiancé pull over because we have kids and I would like to prevent an accident if possible. He got mad, slammed the door, and screamed at me. My friend was on the phone and she heard all of it. The tire was fine, thank god.

We began driving down the road and about 2 minutes later he tells me

“Your dad was right. You are just like your mother” my mother who he has never met. My drug addicted mother who abandoned me as a child, who I love dearly but am very sensitive about. He starts telling me all these things my dad said about me.

So we get home, I put my kids to bed and get in the shower to calm down and cry. I get out, get dressed and asked my fiancé if my dad really said that and informed him I would be confronting my dad about it because that’s not okay. When I start to call me dad, my fiance gets in my face and screams at me, like horror movie screams at me, shoves me, takes my phone and throws it across the wall and shatters it. My brand new iPhone that has all my court documents on it. My phone is ruined at this point. I began crying and I tried to get my kids to leave, which he refused to let me leave. So I run to my bedroom, lock the door and FaceTimed my sister via fb and had her call my dad. My dad calls me on fb and I tell him what happened and he tells my fiancé “you’re going to fix her phone in the morning or buy her new one.” But then tells me “I didn’t say all those things. I said you were like your mother in the sense that your depression and anxiety and trauma makes it hard for you to keep a job” which Is true. I have ptsd, depression and anxiety and I have paranoia from it and I am scared to leave my kids. I was raped and abused growing up by a family friend. He said he didn’t sAy any of the other stuff my fiancé said he said, and then my fiancé claimed I was lying and that he never said any of that. My dad then told me that I needed to get over my trauma, quit letting it consume my life, said therapy doesn’t work and just to get over it. Said I needed medicine, and maybe if I wasn’t the way I was my fiancé wouldn’t cheat on me or put his hands on me. He said he doesn’t condone it, but it’s our problem.

Am I wrong for not wanting to associate with my dad anymore? I am also making plans to leave my fiancé.