My little life story

This is me @15

Woke up one morning not feeling good . (Secretly I was sleeping with my 18year old bf) I went to the bathroom and felt my boobs was hurting . As I rubbed them I noticed yellow fluid leaking from them . I went to my mother crying thinking I had breast cancer . Honestly I didn’t know what to think or do . She looked at me and ask “was I having sex”. I told her no because I when I first had sex and she found out it upset her so bad . Plus I was grounded for like 4 months. She asked me again and I asked why did she keep asking me that . She told me I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe her. She mad my appointment for that following week . Here we are sitting in the doctor office . I was so scared . She was going to find out my secret . She was going to kill me this time I knew it for sure. The doctor came in the room and asked me a bunch of questions I couldn’t answer while my mother was sitting there . When was my last period? How long have I been sexually active? How many partners ? I was not ready to answer with my mother looking at me like she was waiting for me to say something wrong . So I just sat there . She asked me to lay back and pressed on my stomach. Without a doubt she said U are pregnant. I asked how would she know without taking a test . Her response “I can feel the baby’s head. I’m surprised u went this long without knowing.” Same day she gave me an ultrasound... and there she was. My daughter . Ofc I didn’t know what she was at the time . But I knew one thing, I was going to be mom . 3months pregnant . How can I be 3 months pregnant at 15 right . I know I asked myself the same thing


“Her heart rate keeps dropping” That’s all my doctor kept saying. Well all I kept hearing... I didn’t know what was going on or what to think . I just wanted her to be healthy . 22 hrs and 1 emergency c-section later there she was . Head full of hair. 5 pounds 10ounces of beauty. 10 toes and 12 fingers. Yes 12 lol . (She has 10 now) . She was the most beautiful baby I ever saw in my life and she was mines 🥰🥰


“I’ve been sleeping with ur baby father for months now” the message I got that made my heart drop to the floor. never would of thought he would cheat with another women . 🥺 . Oh yea he didn’t . Yup .. It was a man y’all 🤦🏽‍♀️ . Now here I am a single mother @17 . Her father wasn’t really around after that .

(1years later) @18

Met the man I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with . .

@19 got pregnant again. Another beautiful lil girl 👧🏽.

Got married and started a new life . But then he started cheating . And then yelling . Then throwing things then throwing me 😞 . Years I stayed because that was my husband . Thick and thin right .. till death ??

Got pregnant again a couple years later . Miscarriage. Then got pregnant again MISCARRIAGE.. then again. ECTOPIC. Then another miscarriage.

Now here I am at 27 getting a divorce and unable to carry a child full term . When all I really want now is a little boy . My daughters ask me all the time will I give them a brother and idk how to tell them I may never be able to .. 😞🥺.. thanks for reading my story .

-good night

This isn’t half my story TBH .. thank you to everyone who read . And thanks for the comments .. btw my life isn’t all bad . I have two beautiful girls 😍... a god son who I adore and a good job 👏🏽 plus god doesn’t place anything upon us we couldn’t bare right ? Everything happens for a reason . And I honestly if my pain meant I get to wake up to these lil kiddos everyday I will take it all a smile . My kids are my life without them idk where I would be .