Confused, disappointed and tired 😔


Hello! I am more confused than ever... I have PCOS and very long cycles (70 days). We are TTC for over a year and I'm taking metformin and myoionsitol. Two months ago I had a missed miscarriage (my first pregnancy) at 9 weeks (the embryo measured 6 weekes) and I didn't get my period yet (but I expected that because of PCOS). Before my pregnancy, my opk tests were always positive because (again because of PCOS). I had one opk 6 days ago and it was negative. After that, I did one everyday and I finally get a positive yesterday. I was so happy because I finally felt like a normal woman. But this morning I've got my period. I am so confused... we started TTC again two weeks after MC and I did have my hopes up because everyone keeps telling me that after a MC your fertility increases. I feel so disappointed and tired...