Amazing milk production!

renesmee • Mommy of 3 girls 🌸 1 boy coming soon 👣

I started off the first couple weeks dreading, crying and stressing because I wasn’t getting much milk. I even went a couple of days with the worst nightmare-my baby was acting so Hungry and I wasn’t even getting a ounce out. I was going to give up! I was trying all of the lactation cookies, drinks, mixers- nothing was helping. I stopped. I dogged down water just every time it was feeding, every time I walked past the kitchen, every time I went past the living. I told myself drink more water! I did. Now I can get up to 18oz pet pumping session! I didn’t come here to make anyone feel bad because like I said, I was in the same boat! I came here to say don’t give up. It gets better! And stressing does make it worst.

I decided to stretch out my pumping sessions just because the amount of milk I get and because my baby girl is now 3 months and is starting to stretch out feedings and naps! It is a litter harder pumping with a 3 month old and one year (single mama) but I try my best ! I have a great amount in the freezer and I keep abour 12 bottles in the fridge that don’t go past the 4day mark.