Due August 19th !! 🌈Baby#3🌈

We had been trying for 7/8 months <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> everything something i had never done before....finally got pregnant ended in a MC a few months ago. I stopped tracking and period never showed this December 10th so I tested all tests kept comming back negative then I just stopped testing...I thought something must have been wrong with me this was wierd finally took another test on December 21 and it was positive!!

right away I must have ovulated late one whole week after my period was due I got my positive 🙏🙏🌈 that was my husbands Christmas gift❤😅

We won't be sharing with family or anyone until I deliver like our previous baby girl

We have 2 daughters youngest is 4 years old.

hello moms!! 👋👋 I can't believe we are here we did it ❗❗August 2021 can't come any sooner🙏