Me and my boyfriend


I was at my sisters house babysitting her kids. The next day she came back told me she would dye my hair then take me back to my dad’s. She dye my hair. The she whet the the hanger.( garage place for race cars) told me when she gets back she take me to my dad’s. She came back she had this guy with her. He was dirty looked about 28. I sat in the backseat listening to them talk. He was telling her all this stuff. He sounds like weirdo. About two weeks later I was back at her house. She was sitting in her room doing her makeup I was sitting with her. She was telling me about how everyone at the hanger gave Austin shit (Austin the guy with her in the car) about not asking me out. I was confused at the time my sister pretty overprotective so I didn’t understand why she okay with 28 year old asking her 16 year old sister out. I didn’t question just listen to her talk. Two or three days later she was taking me back to my dad’s. When she was telling me about they were making fun of Austin bc he had hole in his shoe. She got upset got him new shoes. Again I was confused this man his 28 who cares. She kept talking I learned he was only 17... I was at my dads gf house two or three days later. When I got call from unknown number. I answered it. It was my sister drunk with Austin. With in that phone call I got Austin Snapchat. We talked he was cute and all but I had bf so I couldn’t do anything. About three days later my dads gf dad pool party. I invited my bf. my sister invited Austin and his older brother. That whole day Austin eyes were on me. When I would look at him he would look at away. Me and my bf were in pool house when I found tinder on his phone. We end getting in fight he whet home. Me and Austin just kinda hung out after that. I whet to my sister’s house that night. That’s when everything began. Austin would always come over hangout. We end up going to the beach me and him were in the back he layed on me I was messing with his hair. Then he kissed me. I whet home broke up with my bf. Me and Austin start talk more serious after that. Weeks later we start date. All the drama started his dad hated me I never met him but he hated me. I was the devil in his mind. I was never allowed. Austin wasn’t even allowed to be on the phone with me. On his 18 birthday he wanted to come see me and for me come to his dinner. Him and his dad got in fight about it. Long story short he lives with me and dad now. His dad won’t talk to him again until we break up. But it’s been 7 months I’m just so happy with hi
